Getting your digital marketing right can be tough for a small business. Either you don’t have the time or the expertise, or like most entrepreneurs, you don’t have either one. Even once you hire someone to help manage your marketing, they will not be able to handle all of the aspects of digital marketing, nor will they have a strong skillset in every area. This is why many companies choose to contract a digital marketing agency in Calgary.
A digital marketing company in Calgary can help with all areas of your marketing or you can choose the ones that you need the most help with. Time-consuming tasks that require a lot of technical knowledge like SEO can be a great ones to contract out. It is also a good idea to work with the digital marketing agency in Calgary that you choose on an overall strategy and then designates who will complete which tasks and how everyone will work together effectively.
So you know you need to hire a digital marketing company in Calgary, but how do you select a professional agency that can get the job done?
1. Ask For Referrals - One of the best ways to find a great agency is to ask around. Talk to others you know who own businesses and find out if they’ve got a marketing company they are really happy with. First-hand experience and referrals are the best way to find a company that is highly likely to meet or exceed your needs and expectations.
2. Search Online - If you can’t find a few great referrals, you can also take to searching online. The agencies that you can easily find are doing a great job at their own SEO and digital marketing, so that already bodes well for them. Google reviews are not people you know, but they are still first-hand experiences that can provide you valuable feedback.
3. Review Their Portfolio & Testimonials - Once you find a few options to consider, check out their websites. Look over their portfolios and testimonials to find out where their strengths are and ensure they align with your needs and style.
4. Talk Strategy & Goals - Once you’re getting a good feeling about a marketing company, connect with them directly. Talk about your goals and listen to their strategies to meet them. They should be detailed and give you a sense that they have enough expertise to help you achieve your goals. They should also take the time to thoroughly explain their strategies and ensure you are on board with them.
5. Connect With Current & Previous Clients - Talking directly with the agency’s past and current clients is crucial. Reach out to their references and be sure to ask about the specific services you’re looking to hire them for, as well as responsiveness and any other qualities that are important to you.
Hiring a digital marketing company in Calgary to help support your online strategies is a smart idea. It’s a prudent way to maximize your team, time, and resources, but only if you find the right one!
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