Friday, 20 November 2020

How And When To Trust An Online Marketing Consulting Agency

Marketing can be a complicated undertaking for a business owner who has not had training in the various aspects of building and executing a marketing strategy, especially in the digital age where the skills required to properly represent your brand online can get quite technical. If you are struggling to find time for marketing, feel you are out of your depth or are looking to scale up your business, it’s the right time to trust an online marketing consulting agency to support your Calgary business.

Working with an online marketing agency in Calgary allows you to leverage their expertise and resources to ensure your business gets the most out of your marketing investments. You can waste years of time and money not getting the best results if your website and digital advertising are not properly optimized, if your brand image and voice are not clear and consistent and if you are not using social media effectively. A marketing consulting agency has the tools, expertise and experience to help you align these key factors in your strategy so you are making the most of every dollar and hour you spend.

While hiring an agency does create added expenses, it will also allow you and your team to focus on other areas of your business that need attention so depending on how your business is structured, you may be able to quickly recoup the costs associated with having an agency handle your marketing for you. Additional sales, repeat customers and time to streamline costs and operations are just some of the benefits that entrepreneurs have noticed when they are not bogged down with marketing tasks.

Depending on the size of your business, marketing can require one or several full time team members to handle it effectively at your end. A good digital marketing strategy requires SEO work, copy and blog writing, social media advertising and audience engagement and video 9at minimum). To do these jobs well, you need experience and expertise which can get costly. Hiring a Calgary based marketing consulting agency allows you to function like you have an onsite team, without the expense or liability of directly hiring all of these experienced professionals, as well as not having to pay for important tools required to do these jobs. Your marketing agency will have all of this already available to you.

Overall, as soon as your business can afford to hire an online marketing consulting agency in Calgary, we highly recommend doing so. It will give you more freedom to build your business and will limit your need to hire and train more staff until you are ready to create a full scale marketing team of your own. Gaining insight and expertise is the best reason to hire an agency and you will know when the best time to do that is for your unique business needs. Trusting the agency comes with ensuring you hire a team you feel very comfortable working with and then letting them do the work for you.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

How a Digital Marketing Company Can Help You in the Current Situation?

The world was moving in the direction of being fully digitized, but the current situation has accelerated that transition much faster now. If your company has not moved online, optimized for search engines, gotten on to social media and started using digital forms, newsletters and the various other options available, you will start falling behind. In the days we live in now of social distancing and isolation, more and more people need to order online, place curbside orders and find your business by searching online. In order to help your business adjust, you may want to consider hiring a digital marketing company in Calgary.

Digital marketing companies can help you assess where your business currently needs to adapt, what your brand stands for, setting goals, creating a great strategy, optimizing your website, setting up social media, advertising, creating digital content and so much more. The key is to define exactly what your needs are, what your resources look like and how you can best meet your needs. The digital marketing company in Calgary can help you extract all of this information and can put together an excellent plan for you based on it.

By working together with your digital marketing company in Calgary, you can create and execute a winning digital strategy so your business can not only thrive in this current situation, but continue to build on that excellence for many years to come. Some key features you’ll want to include in your strategy are:

1.     Where can you bring your services and products online and ease the barriers to a sale?

2.     How are your customers finding you online?

3.     Keywords, phrases and SEO efforts including blogging, video and backend website

4.     Social media both to brand and connect, but also to use for advertising and direct sales

5.     E-commerce options so you can make direct sales on your website, if possible

6.     Creating great content - images, videos, written copy, manuals, forms, etc

7.     Re-engaging with past and present customers through social media, events and newsletters to maintain and increase their business with you

A digital marketing company in Calgary can be the best ally you’ll find when moving your company online and optimizing digital marketing for the best results during this current situation. You need to be where your potential customers can find you and if you and your team do not have the experience and expertise to facilitate this transition, then hiring a digital marketing company is the best way to go about it.

The digital marketing company you choose will get you focused, on track and set goals so you can begin measuring the success of your efforts. Be sure to regularly determine how each change and adjustment is going and collect feedback from your team and customers so you can make tweaks and changes, or switch things up completely where needed.

 Digital marketing is a journey and it takes a lot of time to get it just right. With an ever changing landscape like the unprecedented situation we are in right now, being prepared with a great marketing company will help a lot!

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